Hello blog readers. I don't even know who reads this anymore. It might just be me writing to no one in the blogosphere, but I still felt like I needed to say "goodbye." I think I'm hanging up my blogging hat for now.
Here's the thing. I'm in a new phase of life. I've been saying for awhile that I can't keep up with blogging anymore. It truly does take up too much of my time and there are simply not enough hours in the day. My kids love it so much and that's why I've kept it up as long as I could. But I can't anymore. Maybe in 2-3 years I'll feel different. Or...not. I'm not shutting down my blog site. I'm just pressing stop for now. Maybe someday I'll hit play again, but no promises.
I started a new business- a legit business! Britt Gilley Copywriting. I have an LLC and a website and everything! I've been working SO hard on getting it up and running and it's something I'm very proud of! So, check me out if you're wondering what I'm up to next! Go to www.brittgilleycopywriting.com (Shameless plug because it's my own site😅)
But I am going into the copywriting business and can't wait to get started. It's been a tough business/learning curve for me and sometimes when you move on to new things in life, you have to close the door on others. This is the door I have chosen to close.
Like I said, maybe I'll get the blogging itch again at some point. But for now, I've been blogging about my family's trek that we've been on for 11 years and it's time to gracefully exit and explore a new destination.
So, without further ado, bon voyage blogging friends. Thanks for following the Gilley's on our life's journey :)