gold confetti

Monday, September 28, 2020


It’s me again.... I told you I was about to catch up with my blogs! And I have a really bad sinus headache today so this is a good day to be lazy and go crazy blogging!

This blog is about how much we LOVE where we live. Yorktown. I hate that I’m a broken record and sometimes I sound like I brag too much, but honestly..... this neighborhood is a dream. Truly. It’s absolutely amazing. From having a zillion kids everywhere (we even have 2 FULL school busses because we were overcrowded on one and had to get another- JUST for the kids in our ‘hood), to being sooo safe, to having fun events ALL THE TIME, this place is what I like to call “Yorktopia.” It is heaven and we are so happy here!

Not only are Shawn and I happy here, but the kids are too. One night Lucy wanted to go through pictures that we’ve taken this Summer of her and her friends. We were looking through them and she said “Mommy, thank you so much for moving into this neighborhood. ALL of my friends live here. I was lonely in our last neighborhood.” There was nothing wrong with our last neighborhood- I enjoyed living there. But there were not very many kids, and no girls her exact age.... we only moved 1/4 mile from our last house, but this neighborhood is FULL of kids of all ages- I mean, just look at these pictures below! They only represent like, 1/200th of the kids here😅. She can ride her bike or walk anywhere she wants to in this ‘hood at any given time and will find a friend somewhere. Whether it’s at one of the parks or ponds, the basketball court, the pool, etc. She said “I had the most fun Summer of my life.” It made me happy to know that we are living amongst a community that not only Shawn and I love, but one that fills my kiddos hearts up with joy as well💛🥰 

Yesterday we had a BuddyWalk (it’s annual here in our neighborhood) where there were face painters, food trucks, ice cream trucks, games, a DJ, etc. and it was all done for the Down Syndrome kids we have in this neighborhood. There are 4 of them and we walked for them to raise money and bring awareness to these special people!

We have food-trucks in our neighborhood weekly, we have back to school bashes, end of school bashes, just-because bashes, holiday parades, holiday parties, Women’s-Only get togethers, sports games (we have a football field, a basketball court, a soccer field and a baseball field with a dug-out and all).  There are driveway socials every weekend and people outside all day long! We go on family walks all the time and the trails and streets are always full of other families walking along with us. Little boys can go spend hours at the pond fishing by themselves without their Mom’s worrying about where they are, my kids can go to the park by themselves, etc. This is a community lived outside. If you need anything, you can ask for help and someone will be there right away. Yorktown is a gem and we are so thankful to be here!
It’s just good, wholesome fun here. A lot of times people say “I want to give my kids everything I didn’t have when I was a kid.” But for me, I feel opposite. I had an idyllic childhood in a neighborhood that, while there weren’t THIS many kids and events, we had fun every day! We played and explored and it was always safe and fun. There aren’t many places like that in this world anymore, but we found one. So now I can give my kids what I had growing up- happiness:)

1 comment:

  1. Well that last paragraph made my whole day! Love you and love that you love where you live!


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