gold confetti

Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Birthday :)


Happy 26th Birthday to me!  My birthday was yesterday and it was just wonderful!  Shawn did his best to make sure I felt like a Princess and he totally succeeded.
The celebration started out on Friday night when my dear friend Christy invited our family up for birthday cake and games.  The Weldon's move away in 2 weeks and so this was our last "hoorah" at The Apartments.  I'm getting teary just thinking about it! They will only live 15-20 minutes away, but after almost 2 years of seeing Christy and her kiddos almost every single day (since we live in the same building) it's going to be weird to have to pack up our car to drive over to her new house!
Anyway, she made me a cute cake, we played Taboo (the husbands won, but they were cheating!) and after the kids went to bed, at midnight on the dot everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to me!
Piper's Party Dress!

On my actual birthday there was a MASSIVE snow storm (we got almost 2 feet, much to Lu's delight!), yet Shawn braved the weather and ventured out before I woke up that morning to get me some goodies. I woke up to delicious French Toast, Starbucks, and balloons!  What stud!  My gift from Lu was that she slept in that morning- this never, ever, ever happens!

I got the Kindle that I've been (begrudgingly) wanting- thanks Sugar Lips!  I caved, 'cause a busy Mama like me just can't seem to make it to the library on time to return books anymore...oops!  It was time I got a Kindle, even though I really love paper books.  But it's pretty cute in my bright pink case :)  And it's so tiny- perfect for traveling!  Anyway, I also got money from my parents to buy the longboard I've been wanting for awhile now!  Can't wait 'til that comes- and yes, it's pink too.  Complete with PINK wheels and all! Hehehe! Guess I can read my Kindle while I skate through Denver.  Juuuuust kidding..... I was given such sweet and thoughtful gifts from my sisters (in-laws too!), Grandparents and friends as well.  I felt SO spoiled! Thanks a million everyone!
For dinner, Shawn steamed Crab for me since he knows that's my absolute favorite food.  He's even nice enough to give me his huge chunks of crab that slid out of the shell without breaking.  Seriously- he's the sweetest :)

Later that night we had a Duck Dynasty marathon and Piper treated us to a belly laugh!  Her first laugh ever!  She laughed at Uncle Si three times in a row.  Who knew that he would make her laugh for the first time? :)  Well, he is pretty silly.
I went to bed feeling oh-so-happy and thoroughly spoiled.  Shawn (and everyone else) succeeded in making my day absolutely perfect. Now it's time for me to go pop some popcorn and watch Les Mis- another awesome gift! On a scale from 1-10, my birthday was an 11! Thanks guys!   

Me and my cutie patooties!
Such a magnificent artist!
Diva in training

The most beautiful girl in the world!

Monday, March 18, 2013

A Post from Pipes...and more Gilley News

*Warning: This blog is a mess.  Either my computer is messing up, or the site is messing up, but I don't have time to try to keep fixing it, so I hope you can bear with me and enjoy it anyway :) 
Dear World,
        I can't believe I am 3 whole months!  My little life has just flown by and I am officially an "infant" these days and no longer classified as a "Newborn."  Yes, there is a real distinction.  Here are some "things" about me you may like to know.
         I have 2-3oz supplements of formula in a bottle at night before bed and it is now just the regular kind (not the "Newborn" kind) and it helps me sleep for a whole 8 hours!  I've been sleeping 8 hours a night for a few weeks now, and Mommy is VERY thankful.  In fact, since the day I was born I always slept 3-4 hours each night, and added an hour or so each week that I grew.  Basically, I'm perfect ;)  Lucy still rarely sleeps through the night (Poor Mom).  Last night I slept for 9 solid hours.  It's cause I know today is Mommy's "write-in-the-Baby-book-day" and I wanted to have something impressive for her to write about.
         I really like to play with my dangly toys while I lay on my play mat, but I HATE tummy time!
I'm ticklish on my sides and armpits.  Daddy tickles me and I give him my big open mouthed smile. 
   I still really like to be swaddled when I sleep.  I'm strong enough to get my arms free now, but I don't try until the morning.
   I'm starting to appreciate my sister. I smile when I see her these days.  She really loves me. Like, REALLY.  Lucy always tries to hold me, give me my binky's (forcefully) and pats my head (not softly, but she thinks she's being sweet), kisses me all over and lays on top of me to "cuddle."
         I'm really good when we run errands too.  I'm a portable baby who sleeps on the go and eats anywhere Mom can find a spot to feed me. 
         I've been to the doctor a lot since I've been born, but I always leave with a clean bill of health (my RSV appointments being the exception to this). 
         I love to hear myself "sing" and I squeal and talk all day.
         I still have peach fuzz on my ears.
         I love to watch people. 
         I love to suck on my index finger on my right hand.  Most of the time, I spit my own binky out to suck on my finger.  It just tastes better.  I think it makes Mommy nervous cause it's a lot harder to break a baby of finger sucking than it is binky sucking- but it's oh-so-cute at the same time! 
         I still have my blonde hair and blue eyes too, and last week I weighed 12 pounds!
         I am still sweet as "Pi" and a real sweet "P" (get it?  Mommy and Lu call me Pi and P so we re-spelled those terms of endearment to fit my name! :) )
         Today Mommy packed up my 0-3m clothes and took out my 3-6m ones.  She cried pretty hard.  This is because she doesn't know if she will ever see those itty-bitty clothes again, and it broke her heart.  They are pretty precious and so teeny tiny!  Something about a growing newborn pulls at the heart strings.  At least I still have my baby's breath and make my newborn grunts :)
         I'm so happy to be alive and healthy in this big world.  I love to discover new things and learn about the world everyday. I know I'm changing and growing each moment and that leaves Mommy and Daddy so happy and feeling blessed.  Heavenly Father sure did bless them with 2 very beautiful, sweet girls!  They have two cute little birds in their Gilley Nest :)
Me at more of my doctors appointments...super bored.
I love playing with my tongue!

Lucy always likes to be naked! She undresses herself and runs around a lot!
Sad that I had to go to bed.  I wanted to hang out with the family!

My cute legs are plumping up quite nicely!

Look at my blonde hair!

"Sis" giving me some kisses and smiles!

Lucy's naked again....

My mo-hawk!
Mommy with her sweet thangs!

We had a HUGE snow storm in March! You know what they like a lion, out like a lamb!

This is the  "out like a lamb" part :)
See? Snow one weekend, 78 degrees the next! Denver is crazy and we LOVE it!

In other news, Mama got a new (used) car! HOORAY FOR HER!  She REALLY deserved one.   After sharing a car with Daddy for 2 years (and being stuck at home even when she REALLY needed a car on several occasions), this girl finally caught a break :)  It's a light blue Hyundai Sante Fe and there's a whole lotta room inside for all the baby gear she needs for 2 kids on the go!  We're really thankful for tax returns to aid in our car payments :)

 Finally, I wanted to include our St. Patrick's Day festivities! Saturday night we went to the Weldon's again for a St. Patty's Day party.  The kids were able to go on a scavenger hunt outside to find a hidden treasure left behind by a Leprechaun! The parents dined on lots of green foods and Corned Beef and Cabbage while the kids decorated green sugar cookies.  We also played lots of Wii and card games.  It is always fun spending time with our Colorado Besties :)
The next night (the REAL holiday) our little family had Corned beef again, HAHA!  Oh well, Shawn had never had Corned beef and cabbage before he met me so I guess I'm making up for all those years :)  Lucy loooooved her green milk.  What a clever way to get her to eat....
Here are a couple more pictures of sweet Piper Everly.  While she turns 3 months old, Lucy turns 22 months old.  My babies are growing, growing, growing!  They are seriously the loves of my life and the best part of everyday.

Hope everyone had a HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! 
Thanks for stopping by :)