gold confetti

Monday, February 27, 2017

Happy Birthday to my Boy!

I know I'm a little late in writing about Sully's birthday festivities, but here it is!  And when I say "festivities" I just mean that we had breakfast in bed, presents and cake.  It was just us and it was simple and sweet. He was a happy little guy getting so much EXTRA lovin' (if that's possible).  And I made it through the whole day without crying.  Until that night. But, now he's 1 and I survived!
If you've ever seen a cuter 1 year old boy digging into cake, let me know. 'Cause I'm pretty sure he's as cute as they get!! 
He didn't go CRAZY over the cake the way his sisters did, but it was interesting to him and he liked the attention we gave him whenever he would touch it.  I think he was more excited about the fact that he was entertaining us than he was into actually loving his cake.  Doesn't really matter though, I got some ADORABLE shots!
These were his last "month" pictures ever taken. Goodbye babyhood :(
His birthday breakfast was on his actual birthday and Shawn was on a business trip for it.  It was killing him to not be there so we face-timed him during it all.  That way he was able to get in on the action.
It's crazy how on the day he was born we were having a blizzard! I almost gave birth to him in the car on the way to the hospital because the snow was impossibly thick and so hard to drive in that night.  And then a year later we were celebrating him in the warm sunshine! It was a beautiful day.  Perfect for my boy!
The little man's gifts!
He's just so darling.  He is SO close to walking and I just know he will take his first steps next week when Shawn and I are in Honolulu.  It's killing me that I might miss it.  He WILL NOT take a step on his own as of now. We have 8 days (well, today is over so 7 now).  I don't think he will do it before we leave :'( I have been there for every single one of his (and his sisters') big mile-stones.  So PLEASE SULLY- PLEASE walk this week.  Just a couple of steps is all I ask!
As I said, we leave in a week and I have never left him overnight.... It's reaaaalllllly hard for me to think about leaving him. Not quite sure how I will do, but at least I'm going to the beach for a week, so hopefully I won't get too sad.... We are so excited- we've been saving up for this trip for a really long time and it's finally here!  So, I'll say it again- WALK THIS WEEK SULLIVAN!  And happy birthday once again baby boy.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

And just like that, he's not a baby anymore.....

It all started about a week ago….. see, every night since you were born, I check on you as you sleep. I still go up to your sister’s room to do that too, by the way.  But this is about you.  So I’ll try to focus on that:) Anyway, I went into your room to stroke your warm, round cheeks like I always do.  I run my hand over your curled up body with your cute buns in the air and your knees tucked under them every single night.  I send silent thoughts of love to you and hope you are dreaming only the sweetest dreams.  This is my Sullivan routine every night.  But a week ago as I was feeling your warm breath beneath my fingers, I just suddenly started to sob.  I had to cover my mouth so that you wouldn’t wake from the sound of my cries, but the emotion that overcame me like a wave was intense as I realized that in one week you wouldn’t be a baby anymore…. You’d be 1.  Ok, granted, a 1 year old is still a baby, but you know what I mean. It’s like, even though I love every single stage you go through and every milestone you hit, my heart is breaking into a zillion pieces as I think of you growing up.  I did NOT have this happen to me with my daughters; they weren’t my last baby.  No one warned me of this.  No one talks about how when your LAST BABY starts to grow up you feel as though someone has wrenched your heart out of your chest.  It’s so hard to explain.  It’s hard to describe how painful it is to love someone so intensely.  It sounds maddening, yet every Mom can relate (I assume?!).  I don’t know how to let you grow.  I don’t know how to handle this. I don’t question whether or not our family is complete; the moment I held you in my arms, the feeling of utter completion flooded me.  My family is complete, thanks to you.  You were the missing piece that I didn’t even know was missing.  There is no doubt about that.  This is not about me wanting more babies- this is about me not wanting my last baby to ever grow up because…. well, because.  
You’re my favorite baby boy in the whole entire universe.  Your breath when you wake up in the mornings is still sweet with milky sleep.  Your cheeks are so round and I just love nibbling them.  Your thighs are so deliciously squishy.  Your hands are so plump and your fingers are still full of baby fat- they aren’t delicate kid hands yet.  Your feet are 2 warm blocks of soft skin that are too ticklish for me to rub.  Your baby shoulders melt my heart.  Your little wide smile is on your face almost all day long, except when you throw the most dramatic fits.  You literally face plant into the ground when you don’t get your way and you cry and cry as you check to make sure I’m watching you throw your fit.  It is so funny.  Your personality is adorable.  Your happiness is infectious.  I can’t NOT smile and feel a surge of love within my heart every time I see you.  You love to play “How Big is Sully” and throw your hands up over your head to show how big you are!  And you laugh and laugh every time as though its the first time ever playing that game! Speaking of reaching up high, you do that when you want me and I can’t resist you.  I love seeing your hands reach up for me all day.  I scoop you up as often as I can and hug you every single time.  You aren’t a major cuddler, but you do like to rest your cheek against my cheek.  That rosy, plump cheek against mine is like heaven on earth. Sometimes, I’ll dance with you, cheek to cheek, and you really like that too :) You only take 1 nap a day and have been on that schedule for a few months now, but you get very sleepy at night and watching you rub your eyes and give into the cuddles is too cute for words.  You go to sleep between 6:30 and 7 and wake up 12-13 hours later.  Except for the nights you’re sick or cutting teeth, you finally learned to sleep through the night….it only took you 11 months…. you little stinker.
But Sullivan, I love you in a crazy way.  I have always loved you differently than your sisters because of that whole “Mother/Son” thing that happens when Mom’s have boys. It’s not MORE than your sisters, but it’s just very different.  Once again, no way to explain it.  All I know is that if I never had a son, I would have missed out on one of the greatest feelings in the entire world. 
All these things have been circling through my mind and heart all week as I reflect on your 1st birthday.  Shawn doesn’t understand why I said I’d be in mourning all day on the 16th.  He just laughs at me and tells me I’m crazy (which I am, but whatever).  I don’t really know why it’s making me so sad.  But this is the LAST baby I will ever have that I carried in my belly.  You are the last one.  When you turn 1, that’s the last first birthday I will ever get to celebrate with one of my own children.  When you start walking, that will be the last time I cheer on my sweet babies as they conquer one of their biggest milestones!  When you start talking and making conversation with me, it will be as though my “baby” is gone…. I mean, you’ll always be my baby, but you know what I mean.  You’re growing and I have to let go of all these things that only happen once.  This is it.  This is all I have left and time is going so fast- TOO FAST- and I feel as though I want to hold onto all the things that are still babyish about you, but I can’t.  It’s all going to slip away too soon.  Yes, I’m excited for our future.  But you’re only a baby once and it was not long enough.  I’m bawling my eyes out right now, just so you know.  And I’m blabbing and not making sense.  But this is me.  This is who I am.  I’m a crazy Mama who is head over heels for her baby boy and aching inside as I watch you grow.  I just want to keep holding you forever and feeling your warm, silky baby skin beneath my fingers for as long as I’m living.  I wish I could bottle ALL of this baby stuff up and keep it forever.  You have NO IDEA how much I love you….

I am reminded of the story of the Mom who goes into her son’s room every night and rocks him and sings “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.” Because every night, although I don’t pick you up out of bed (no way would I risk waking you!) I do go and feel your warmth and breathe your scent.  I stand above your crib and marvel at how precious you are.  I stare at you with nothing but love and adoration and sometimes I still slip my finger into your open palm, even though I know the grabbing reflex is gone.  I still like to hold your hand as you sleep and pray that you will always know how loved you are.  When I give you your milk at night, even though you’re old enough to drink it on your own, I still rock you and sing you the same 2 songs I have been singing to you since the day you were born, a whole year ago.  And the line I still cry at half the time goes like this: “Take my hand, take my whole life too.  For I can’t help falling in love with you.”  Because Sully, I fell hard for you.  You will always have my heart.  Happy birthday baby boy.  I love you more than all the leaves on all the trees.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Valentines Day!

One of my favorite holidays ever! 
It's small, but who doesn't love to be loved?!  It's a good one guys.... Shawn (sadly) was gone for the real day so we celebrated on Friday.  We made our annual homemade Sushi and the turned on the movie that we always watch and took pictures because we love it all!  We gave each other our Valentine's Day cards and guess what was tucked inside the one Shawn gave me? A list of reasons he loves me that he wrote when I was pregnant with Lucy!  It was fun to re-read his list from 6 years ago.  A LOT had changed in our lives so it wasn't all relative anymore, but it allowed us to reminisce a bit, and who doesn't like to do that? Our Valentine's Days aren't "grand,"  but they are my favorite.  It's always a perfect night that I look forward to 364 days a year :)
Saturday night was the community Valentine's Day Daddy/Daughter Dance!  Daddy and his girls had fun dressing up and dancing the night away.  They looked so cute! 
On the actual Valentine's Day I didn't have to work (Praise Jesus and HALLELUJAH!) so I attended Lucy's school Valentine's Day party.  I had to tow Piper and Sully along because I had no choice, but it was actually good for Piper to feel special too.  Before that, they woke up and I made them all pink waffles, "red" bacon and strawberry milk.  Then Shawn and I had a balloon, box of candy and card delivered to Lucy at school, then me and the kids went to her classroom and had a little party.  It was a pretty SWEET day (see what I did there?! Haha).
Thank you Ninny and Nana for sending my little's Valentines this year! They always love getting treats in the mail!
Hope everyone had fun day full of LOVE!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Shawn Turns 33 and Keke Wins the Super Bowl!

Yep. Both things happened last weekend.  My hubs hit the double 3 and Keke woke up an NFL player and went to bed a Super Bowl winner.  

Here's the lowdown:
Shawn was a good sport and shared his birthday with a 3 year old on Saturday because our whole family was invited to Piper's friend Elsie's birthday party at a Bowling Alley/ arcade.  So we did that, and then we came home and Shawn had a Spider Man themed family birthday party.  Why Spider Man? Because he has a 5 year old and a 4 year old daughter who decided that we just HAD to give him a Spider Man party ;-)  He was more than happy to oblige.  
He had the standard breakfast in bed, special dinner menu, dessert and presents birthday.  Nothing super exciting, but this is the season of our lives and I think he had a pretty good day:) 
 He blew all 33 out in one breath! Yay! (I hope he wished for a raise, hehe)
We let Sullivan try a brownie even though he isn't 1 yet... He LOVED it!
Happy Birthday Baby Cakes. We ALL love you big time!
The next day was the Super Bowl.  And not only do we LOVE the Super Bowl (and all the food that comes with it), but Keke was playing in it!!! 
He got traded to the Patriots this season and although I am NOT a Pats fan, I was one thousand percent rooting for them on Sunday.  Keke was playing in the freakin' Super Bowl! That is HUGE! It's awesome!  We facetimed him the day before the game and he said he wasn't even nervous! Isn't that crazy?!  He was just super excited!
If you watched the game, you know how incredible it was.  If you didn't watch it, you missed an epic win.  It was deemed "the best comeback win in Super Bowl History."  We were on pins and needles the whole time and I kept holding my breath without even realizing it.  I was glued to the TV.  The Patriots played the Falcons and it was intense! It was the first Super Bowl game EVER that went into overtime.  The Patriots were losing by 25 in the 3rd quarter.  25.  That's a lot....but all of a sudden plays were made, Tom Brady stepped up, and BOOM.  They caught up.  It was tied!  It went into overtime and the rule was Sudden Death.  What happened next is nothing short of incredible.  The Pats played HARD to get another touchdown and won Super Bowl 51.  KEKE WON THE SUPER BOWL!  He is number 51, the Super Bowl was number 51- it was meant to be!!!!  Keke played in the game a lot too; he wasn't just on the sidelines.  Whether he stays with the Patriots for another season or not is still to be determined, but for now, he is a Super Bowl winner.  How awesome is that? I am SO beyond proud of him and all that he has accomplished.  Like, I can't even express it.  Shawn cried- really.  He cried when they won cause he was just THAT happy for him.  And it was all over ESPN and the internet how Keke started the season in the "outhouse" (AKA The Browns) but then moved into the "Penthouse" (AKA The Patriots) haha.  That's because he started the season with The Browns but was traded after the 3rd pre-season game up to New England.  He now lives in Boston (figures he'd move up to New England the year we left!) and can I say it again? HE WON THE SUPER BOWL! Man, that's gotta feel SO good. 
Congratulations Keke- we love you!!! 
And finally, some pictures from the last couple of weeks.  The sunshine has been abundant and I am beyond thankful! My last 2 February's were brutal- it's nice to have a little fun this year!
I got to attend Mornings with Moms at Lucy's school last week. It was so much fun to have a cute little breakfast date with my sweet little Lu Lu Belle!
Next Up.... Valentine's Day and then.....Sullivan turns one. I can't even..... :(