gold confetti

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Daddy Daughter Dance

Last night at our Community Rec Center they held a very special event :)  It was a Daddy/Daughter dance!  The girls were SO excited about dressing up like "princesses" and couldn't wait to get their dancing shoes on!  Shawn asked them properly, by bringing home some roses for them and asking them on a real date.  He had 2 pretty gorgeous ladies on his arm!
Earlier in the week Lucy was SO sick (she missed 3 days of school because of a high fever and bad cold!). I was terrified that she'd have to miss this dance and it's only once a year!  She didn't wake up completely healed on Saturday, but she was SO much better than she had been all week (no fever, thank goodness!) and it was enough that we let her go for an hour tops.  Shawn said it was so crowded and all the girls there were dressed to the nines :)  There were even teenage girls there with their Dads.  Isn't that so sweet? I just love my community.  Shawn looked quite dapper if I do say so myself:)
 Piper kept saying how beautiful and gorgeous her and Lucy looked.  It was so sweet!
More news: Sullivan is now 7 months old! He is getting to be such a fun little dude.  I mean, he always was, but now he's playing with us and cracking up at us and we're still his favorite people in the universe, so that's always a plus.  He is just the sweetest little Mama's boy (YAY!) and my love for him can't even be contained!  
He can hold and drink a bottle all by himself now!  He LOVES playing peek-a-boo and laughs so hard! He refuses to sleep these days and it's tough, but picking him up in my arms in the morning and bringing him into bed with me at 5am when the world is dark and quiet is still my most favorite thing ever.  Sometimes I just bury my face into his soft body and fall asleep that way.  I breathe him in and hold him tight.  He is my everything.
Happy 7 months sweet boy!
Wish us luck for a healthy week ahead!  Grammy and Paw Paw will be here Thursday for a long weekend and we don't want anymore sickness in our house!  Plus picture day is Tuesday for Lucy!
And I'll just end with this super cute picture of the Pi Baby :)

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Busy, busy, busy

I can't believe how fast life is flying!  I feel like since Lucy started school I can't keep up with it! First, walking her to and from the bus stop each day has turned into a routine.  I get Lucy ready in the mornings for the walk there and no one else, haha.  Piper goes barefoot and in her PJ's, Sully goes in just a diaper (he still sleeps without PJ's on cause it's still a billion degrees here), and I go in yoga pants and whatever shirt I'm wearing that is undoubtedly covered in spit-up.  Then we come home and get dressed :)  Her bus comes at 7:32 and we wake up at 6:40 and I just don't have the energy to get all of us ready before then!
Anyway, we also had Labor Day which meant a 4 day weekend!  No school Friday or Monday!  The neighborhood pool was closing for the season so we spent 2 days there.  We also used our free Aquarium passes that the kids got from the Library and took them to see all the fishies (Piper got to feed Shrimp and we all touched Starfish, Sting Rays, and other little sea creatures).  We all got hit with back-to-school colds and poor baby Sully was so stopped up he could hardly drink from a bottle and no way could he nurse for a couple days.  Pumping is just no fun.....
We ran TONS of errands and bought a new dishwasher (that hurt the wallet!) and the girls already started on their Christmas lists!
Shawn also set up the tent for the girls to do a couple nights of backyard camping.  We slept in our room so they stayed in the tent all by themselves! However, we set it up right outside of our bedroom windows and kept them open so that if they needed us in the night all they had to do was call out.  Piper came in at 4 am cause her pillow was damp and it bugged her but Lucy slept out there till 7 :)
And lastly- Labor Day weekend marked the beginning of FOOTBALL SEASON!
Piper dresses up for both Target, AND picking Lucy up after school, haha!
I attended Back to School night where I picked up some Bixby School Swag :)
Just a picture of P's long, beautiful lashes.
The Sharks were Sully's FAVORITE part.  He was entranced with them slowly swimming around and all the lights.
 We take a lot of pictures while waiting for the bus each day :)
Oh yeah: And Piper said bye to Davis and Sully said bye to Nolan.  We miss the VanHooses!

Mommy joined a gym because 1) for my mental health it is extremely important that I get an hour to MYSELF a few days a week.  Shawn is gone traveling all week long almost every single week and I need breaks.  So that was my main reason for joining.  And 2) Piper had an EXTREMELY hard time adjusting to Lucy being gone at school and so I thought it would help her to go have some special play time with kids at the gym daycare.  She loves it and I am constantly telling her how cool it is that SHE gets to go play with her own friends while her sister is at school.  And Sully likes it too!  The first time I dropped him off I peeked through the windows every 10 minutes because it was the first time I had left him with anyone except family and I MISSED him!  I'm doing better now that I've gone a few times, but I still get nervous leaving him!  But P said she helps Sully if he fusses since they are together, and the daycare workers said he is always super happy.  *About Piper*  I was really worried about her when Lucy went to school.  Having Lucy around 24/7 is all Piper has EVER known.  Last year, Lu only went to preschool for 3 hours 2 days a week.  It was during Piper's nap time so she hardly even missed her.  Now Lucy is gone from 7:30- 4:30 5 day a week and the first 2 weeks of that was a depressing time for Piper.  She would cry about it and I had never seen her so sad.  It broke my heart.  Lucy had a hard time as well, but Piper really wasn't coping well.  We bought her some all natural "magic vitamins" that are supposed to help ease her anxiety, and I do think that they help.  But man, she just wasn't doing so well.  The 3rd week (last week) she started to act like her old self again, but she still misses Lucy somethin' fierce.  She waits for her all day and all she talks about is Lucy!  She plays with Maisy a LOT more than she ever did before, but I know she's still so bored at home.  There's only so much I can do with her.  Shawn brought her to work with him when he met with some of his local clients one day and let her play "secretary."  She was having a rough morning and he knew he would be working locally in Tulsa, so he let her tag along so she'd feel really special!  He's the best Daddy.  We're all still adjusting to our new lifestyle, but it's getting better.  Just taking it one day at a time.  Once it cools down a bit and I can start taking her to parks I think things will be better.  But for now, when it's this hot out it's not even safe to play outside without a pool, and splash pads aren't an option this Summer because Sully can't walk.  He can't sit out in the heat for too long and because he can't play in the spraying water, we have to wait until next Summer.
Piper's 1st day of Gym Daycare! SHE WAS REALLY EXCITED!
Anyway, yesterday Mother Nature gifted us with a rare day in the 80's!!  It felt amazing out so once again, we used the kids free Zoo tickets and trekked out to the Tulsa zoo.  It was pretty fun.  But the kids get so tired of walking after an hour that 2 hours MAX is all they can handle.
Twinning with my boy!!  GO BSU!!!
Now Lucy starts a full week of school tomorrow after having two 4 day weeks in a row so I have a feeling she will be extra tired on Friday (and all I hope to do next weekend is stay home and RELAX) :) 
So, come on Monday- let's do this! (fist bump!)

P.S.  The other day Sully woke up with 2 new teeth! He has 5 now! (isn't he just the cutest??!)