On May 18th, 2011 my whole world was turned upside down when I heard the most beautiful sound in the whole world; the sound of my baby girl's first cry. It was these first tender moments of her life when I discovered a new love that is indescribable. The closest adjectives I could attempt to use to describe this feeling are pure, intense, amazing, deep, sacred, beautiful, all-encompassing, and so many more, but as I said- a mother's love for her baby cannot be put into words. Lucy is the answer to all of my prayers and I can honestly say I have never been happier in my entire life. She is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen, sent down from Heaven to our little family for a grand purpose. We now officially have a little bird in our "Gilley Nest!"
I just wanted to write a few things about her that stand out already in our 7 day old baby:
She always "coos." Always. Whether she is awake or asleep, she is making these cute little coos that make my heart smile. She got her middle name from my Nana Smidt, who is such a kind, benevolent person, we couldn't have chosen a more honorable woman to name our little one after. She is a strong baby already- the doctor told me she is one of the stronger infants he knows! I knew she would be, as she was doing kickboxing in my belly, gearing up for life on Earth. She can hold her head up for a long time already when she is on her belly and she started doing this when she wasn't even 24 hours old! She looks so chunky in all of her pictures, but she is such a skinny, petite little baby! She was born 7lbs 4oz, but she currently weighs 6lbs 9oz. We are working on fattening her up, and after a week of breastfeeding she seems to finally be getting the hang of it, thank goodness :) She has long eyelashes that she inherited from her Daddy. She has slept through the night since day one (I have been told not to get used to this as she will probably not be doing this in the very near future) and we have had to wake her up for her nightly feedings. I might be tired in the night when I feed her, but I absolutely love every second of it. She has blue eyes so far and her Mommy and Daddy are hoping they stay blue. But if they turn brown we will obviously love her all the same and Daddy says he will sing "Brown Eyed Girl" to her. She hardly EVER cries. She cries when we change her and when she gets frustrated because she's hungry. Other than that, our precious angel has never cried "just because." She is always content and if she acts irritated, we give her her "binky" and she takes it like a champ and goes right back to being perfectly happy. People say newborns can't smile, but our Lucy smiles a lot. She may not know exactly why she is smiling, but she sure does smile multiple times daily and it melts my heart. She has a head full of hair! I was so happy to see it, as I love doing little girls hair and the more she has, the quicker the French Braids and ribbons will start... :)
Well, I could go on and on and on about how much I love this little princess and how magnificently perfect she is in every way, but I will close my post for now. I just wanted to update all my friends and family who are not able to snuggle her at the moment and let you all know that Lucy Barbara is safe and sound. Mom is doing great, Dad is happy as can be, and Lucy just might be the most loved little person in the whole wide world.
Thank you, my baby angel, for making me the happiest, most thankful and most blessed Mom ever. You complete me.
She is so ADORABLE!!! Congratulations! We are so excited for you!
ReplyDeleteSo AWESOME... I am so happy for you families are AMAZING...
ReplyDeleteBritt, this is such a sweet post. Isn't the love for your child amazing? It's almost overwhelming. I'm so glad you are so happy and I'm so glad we have a new little princess in the family. WE CAN NOT WAIT TO MEET HER!!!! CONGRATS!
ReplyDeleteShe really is a angel!! I love your blog, it helps me feel connected even though we are so far. Please give Lucy a extra kiss from her Aunt Heidi today. We love you! xoxo