Sometimes Shawn just doesn't understand the glazed-over look in my eyes when he comes home each night. The look that screams " Save me! TAKE ME AWAY! Anywhere but here!" Those are probably the same days that he looks around the house upon his arrival and wonders what I did all day; if I did anything at all. I mean, really, how hard can it be to take care of 2 of the busiest human beings that ever lived (as I type this I hear crashing in the other room. I winced a little, but my fingers are still flying over this keyboard)? The answer to that: it's pretty dang hard. Not in the sense that being a brain-surgeon would be, but hard as in exhausting and draining and physically tough (the aches and pains associated with being a Stay-at-home Mom are NO JOKE). I mean, there is no other job in the universe where you will be so emotionally attached to your "work." And although it's a process, seeing the results in my children after a good day means so much more than any "job well-done" at the office. But still, it's Monday and I can't help but wonder what it would be like to leave each morning (without packing up enough "stuff" to appease an army)?.....
I think about yet another day home with the girls while Shawn gets to make his escape. His commute, even though it's long depending on where he's going, doesn't include listening to "Old McDonald Had a Farm" over and over and over again- he literally can listen to ANYTHING he wants. It's a foreign concept to me these days...... It doesn't include yelling at Lucy not to touch Piper even though "she touched me first!" And it definitely doesn't include a go-go squeeze Applesauce (half-way full none-the-less) hitting him in the head and feeling the goop splatter all over....
Shawn gets to go to the bathroom whenever he wants and he doesn't have 2 people following him into the bathroom narrating every single thing that happens in said bathroom.
I was also thinking about the people he works with. His Co-Workers don't scream, cry, fling themselves on the ground when they don't get their way....He gets to eat lunch at a restaurant and he doesn't have to cut up anyone else's food in just the right size hoping that will make them actually eat it. He really doesn't need to BEG people to eat, sometimes physically forcing bites into their mouths. Plus, he gets to eat off of plates while I, on the other hand, have resorted to eating the girls' leftovers wherever they may land. I'm not gonna lie- sometimes they come from the floor. Germs mean nothing when you see a good piece of bacon that your little one decided to chuck across the room, just because.
And then there's the days that he works from his home office. That's just as bad (or good if you ask him). His office door has a lock (A LOCK!!!!) and he can CLOSE THE DOOR and make phone-calls- UNINTERRUPTED PHONE CALLS! He doesn't have to say "sorry, hang on, my daughter is kicking me in the throat" or "LUCY STOP HAMMERING ON THE WALL and BE QUIET! MOMMY IS ON THE PHONE! GO AWAY!" He gets to finish emails and notes whenever he wants in private. And once he leaves his office his workday is over....lucky duck (another phrase he doesn't have to use, because well, he doesn't speak in toddler talk all day. Only a mother can understand that one).
You know what else? Shawn gets a paycheck. A paycheck that I will NEVER take for granted, but he gets to physically see the fruits of his labor. I've seen all the statistics- there are survey's that say Mom's should make $192K a year, and ABC once said the average stay-at-home parent should earn around $140,000 per year based on the hours they spend at their "job." Wouldn't that be nice? It would almost make Piper's "I took off my poopy diaper all by myself and I don't know where I left it" phase worth it....
And lastly....has Shawn ever heard his name called 847 times in a single day? I highly doubt it.
But alas, we meet again, Monday. I'm home alone with my girls.
And really- I wouldn't have it any other way.
I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
Oh Brittany....I loved this and it brought me back to those days myself. They are tough but you tied it all up with the truth....At the end of the day it really is a blessing to be a stay at home mom. The gammit of feelings you expressed are all too true. This would make a good column in a newspaper:)